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What is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist can diagnose and treat a wide range of mental health conditions. Psychiatrists primarily use medication to treat symptoms of mental health conditions, but they may also use different types of psychotherapy. Some psychiatrists specialize in a specific area of psychiatry, such as addiction or forensic psychiatry.

What is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in mental health. A psychiatrist understands both physical and mental health conditions, and they will consider the links between them. Psychiatrists must train at medical school before training in psychiatry.

What conditions do they treat?

A psychiatrist treats mental health conditions, which can include:

  • schizophrenia
  • depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia
  • hallucinations
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • insomnia and sleeping problems
  • addiction, including to gambling, drugs, alcohol, and certain behaviors
  • suicidal thoughts
  • self-harm
  • obsessional thoughts
  • violent outbursts
  • thoughts of hurting others
  • feeling constantly on edge, agitated, or unable to relax
  • negative thinking
  • inability to concentrate
  • hyperactivity
  • body image issues
  • delusional thinking
  • severe stress, worry, or anxiety
  • memory problems
  • neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Types of psychiatrists

A psychiatrist may have a particular area of expertise. Subcategories of psychiatry include:

  • child and adolescent psychiatry
  • young adult psychiatry
  • perinatal psychiatry, which focuses on issues that arise during pregnancy and the first antenatal year
  • geriatric psychiatry, focusing only on older adults
  • addiction psychiatry
  • forensic psychiatry, which addresses mental health within the legal system and works with people on trial and those with a criminal record

What can a psychiatrist help with?

A psychiatrist can be of particular help if your mental health condition:

  • is complex or difficult to diagnose
  • involves suicidal ideas or plans
  • is severe or happens suddenly
  • needs medication that only a psychiatrist can prescribe
  • isn’t responding to standard treatment through your GP (family doctor).

Why someone might see a psychiatrist?

  • problems adjusting after major life changes or stress
  • anxiety, worry or fear
  • depressed or low mood that doesn’t go away
  • suicidal thinking
  • thoughts of hurting other people
  • hurting yourself on purpose
  • too much energy, being unable to sleep, wind down or relax
  • constant negative thoughts
  • obsessional thinking
  • feeling on edge or jumpy
  • feeling like people are after you or want to harm you
  • hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that aren’t there)
  • delusions (fixed beliefs with no basis in reality)
  • rushing, disjointed thoughts
  • out of control alcohol or drug use
  • problem gambling, gaming or other addictive behaviours
  • problems around body image, eating or dieting
  • memory problems
  • poor concentration and attention, hyperactivity
  • violence, agitation or emotional outbursts
  • insomnia and other sleep problems
  • conditions that start in childhood such as autism, intellectual disability and childhood anxiety.