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Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of the musculoskeletal system. This system is made up of muscles and bones, as well as joints, ligaments, and tendons.

What Is an Orthopaedic Surgeon?

Orthopaedics (also called orthopaedic surgery) is the medical specialty that focuses on injuries and diseases of your body's musculoskeletal system. This complex system, which includes your bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves, allows you to move, work, and be active.

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the care of the skeletal system and its interconnecting parts. These parts include the:

  • bones
  • muscles
  • joints
  • tendons
  • ligaments

What Does an Orthopaedic Surgeon Do?

Orthopaedic surgeons treat problems of the musculoskeletal system. This involves:

  • Diagnosis of your injury or disorder
  • Treatment with medication, injections, casting, bracing, surgery, or other options
  • Rehabilitation by recommending exercises or physical therapy to restore movement, strength, and function
  • Prevention with information and treatment plans to prevent injury or slow the progression of disease.

What do Orthopedists treat?

Orthopedists treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions. These conditions may be present from birth, or they may occur as a result of injury or age-related wear and tear.

Below are some of the most common conditions that an orthopedist may treat:

  • joint pain from arthritis
  • bone fractures
  • soft tissue (muscle, tendon, and ligament) injuries
  • back pain
  • neck pain
  • shoulder pain and problems, such as bursitis
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • overuse and sports injuries, including tendinitis, meniscus tears, and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears
  • congenital conditions, such as clubfoot and scoliosis

Orthopaedic Subspecialties

While orthopaedic surgeons are familiar with all aspects of the musculoskeletal system, many orthopaedists specialize in certain areas, such as:

  • Foot and ankle
  • Hand and wrist
  • Hip replacement and reconstruction
  • Knee replacement and reconstruction
  • Orthopaedic oncology (bone tumors)
  • Orthopaedic trauma
  • Pediatric orthopaedic surgery
  • Shoulder and elbow
  • Spine
  • Sports medicine

Some orthopaedic surgeons may specialize in multiple areas, and several different types of specialists may treat the same conditions. For instance, sports medicine surgeons, shoulder and elbow surgeons, and hand and wrist surgeons all perform surgery on the elbow.