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What is diabetology?

Diabetology is a subspeciality of endocrinology that deals with the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and management of diabetes. Diabetes is considered a lifestyle disorder, and the increase in the number of diabetic patients in the last few years has increased the demand for diabetology. Diabetology is the department that deals with all types of abnormalities and disorders in diabetes and related to diabetes.

Who is a diabetologist?

Diabetologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetes. Diabetologist is an endocrinologist who has specialized training in diabetes care. Endocrinologists are the doctors who deal with the endocrine glands and their functions. IF your diabetic conditions are related to pancreas or insulin disorders, or your insulin therapy is not working, a diabetologist may require the help of an endocrinologist.

What are the diseases that diabetology deals with?

Diabetology deals with Type – 1 diabetes, Type – 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes (Diabetics during pregnancy), diabetes ketoacidosis, diabetic neuropathy (nerve disorders), diabetes-related foot pain, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia, and other conditions related to diabetes.

Diabetology also deals with conditions of heart, nerve, kidney, growth, eye, etc., related to diabetes. If diabetes affects other organs of the body, the diabetologist will collaborate with specialists of different organs for advanced treatment options.

What are the treatment options in diabetology?

Your diabetologist will decide the treatment and management options for diabetes according to the severity of your condition. The major treatments for diabetes are insulin pumps, medications, physical exercise, a balanced and rich diet, etc.

Our diabetologists will examine your condition and suggest the best available treatment options to manage your diabetes.